Please, I need my Jesus
Please, I Need My Jesus
written by Patty Hunter
copyrighted (c)
January, 4th, 2012
When the world is wrong,
when I am lost in its throngs,
I cry out to my Lord
Please, I need my Jesus
my soul has been sadden
by the evil, Earth has done
I cry out to my Lord,
Please, I need my Jesus
Oh, my Lord God, come to me
Please, be my father forever
Let Your Son, Jesus, save me
I know there's much hurt
by the sorrowful fall of Earth
I cry out to my Lord,
Please, I need my Jesus
Jesus, I am forever in your hands
I thank God for everything You've planned
when I cried out to you, Oh, Lord
you heard me, you gave me Jesus
Oh, my Lord God, come to me
Please, be my father, let me see
Your Son, Jesus, to be with Him eternally.
Oh, I cried out to my Lord,
Oh, please, I need my Jesus.
Please, I need my Jesus.
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