Sunday, September 24, 2006

When we are ill and not sure why!

When we are ill
And not sure why!

Written by Patty Hunter
On June 7, 2006
Edited by Bob Hunter
Need permission to use lyrics


When we are ill and not sure why
The doctors will help and give some pills
To us who are ill and not sure why
And, prayerfully we get better by and by
The Good Lord is with those who are ill
Our Lord God knows the reason why.


Oh, God, our help in ages past
May He be with us forever and a day
If we're dying, may God bring us home fast
For unto to Him, we shall be with, I pray.


When we are ill and not sure why
God's forever with us in the by and by
May we be with the Lord, our God
Of Whom is known as the Holy Word
To God, Himself, shall we go home too
Without Jesus, we wouldn't have the Truth


Oh, God, our help in ages past
May He be with us forever and a day
If we're dying, may God bring us home fast
For unto to Him, we shall be with, I pray.


When we are ill and not sure why
It is only once when it is our turn to die
When all the souls go home to be judged
That is when the Lord will not budge
We are only on this Earth once, He said,
We live and die and then we are judged.


Oh, God, our help in ages past
May He be with us forever and a day
If we're dying, may God bring us home fast
For unto to Him, we shall be with, I pray.

Amen to our Father in Heaven, our Creator
And to Jesus our Lord, our Co-Creator
And to the Holy spirit, who is the Comforter.
And when the believers go home to Heaven
With the Holy Triune we will be, now and forever, Amen.


Oh, God, our help in ages past
May He be with us forever and a day
If we're dying, may God bring us home fast
For unto to Him, we shall be with, I pray.



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