Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Spanish Dance

The Spanish Dance
Written By Patty Hunter
(c) Copyrighted
September 26/2009

The Spanish Dance!
it is meant for love?
Love from above
sent to us below.

The Spanish Dance
is meant for chance
of finding the one
we are looking for,
the one we adore.

For without love,
what are we?
Are we robots
without God's love?
It is He, we need.

Ah, the Spanish Dance
without God's rhythm
we stumble but
with Him, we rejoice
and be humbled.
We raise our voice
sing Hallelujah

Thank God for
the Spanish Dance
Ola, Ola Gracis

Friday, September 04, 2009

Friendships that last forever

Friendships That Last Forever
Written by Patty Hunter
(c) Copyrighted
September 4th, 2009

Friendships that last forever,
are the best kind we have,
people come and go
like the tide, but others
never fade.

doesn't matter when
a person comes into
ones life, it is the quality
of one's love for another
that makes it right.

when we're at the end
of life, friendships
that last don't fade.
here's to our eternal friendships,
the ones that last always.

God's blessings to everyone.
To the friendships that last forever,
I raise a glass of cheer
for without our Lord's Love
we wouldn't be here.