Tuesday, April 27, 2010

This is what real love is all about.

Our 19th Wedding Anniversary
on April 27th, 2010.

For 19 years we've been together
thru tough times, thru bad weather
We have always stuck thru it together
and, then when times were good
we, have had a lot of laughs.
Because of all that, life was good

May we have 19 more years
by always loving, and always caring.
Throughout it all, we will continue sharing.
This is what real love is all about.

Monday, April 12, 2010

God, I came back!

God, I came back!
ritten by Patty Hunter
copyrighted (c)
April 12, 2010
Edited by Bob Hunter

God, I came back!
Was too proud, was a fool.
When I had left You awhile ago,
I did not know how far I'd go.
Till something happened to a friend,
this was why God I came back,
You knew this was the way it would end.

God, I came back!
It was a foolish thing to do,
when I strayed far from you.
But, now I am at my wits end,
I am losing a close and dear friend.

God, I came back!
Times were tough, I've had enough,
it was the last straw, that's for sure.
For my dear friend, there was no cure,
this was why God I came back,
You knew this was the way it would end.

God, I came back!
It was a foolish thing to do,
when I strayed far from you.
But, now I am at my wits end,
I am losing a close and dear friend.

My Lord and My God, have mercy upon us,
forgive us, renew us, Lord, please be with us.
For my dear friend will be with You someday,
so then come what may, grant us peace.

God, I came back!
It was a foolish thing to do,
when I strayed far from you.
But, now I am at my wits end,
I'm losing a close and dear friend.