Always be Faithful to Your Mate
Always be Faithful to Your Mate
Written by Patty Hunter and Edited by Bob Hunter
August 2, 2006
One needs permission to copy and use
From Patty Hunter
Always be faithful to your mateHe/she is the one you shouldn't hate
For God put you two together
God is never-ending, He is forever
God never makes mistakes, my friend
For without Him, it would truly be the end
Truly, truly, I say unto to you,
Always be faithful to your mate
For you didn't choose Jesus, He chose you.
For Jesus alone, is the one who knows your fate
Without the Word, our Lord, we'd perish
We need Him, for He is whom we cherish.
To go against what God had ordained
You will feel His wrath and distain
Man and woman were made to be united
And, since the Lord, Himself created our life
He is unyielding, but He is the Light
Because of Him, we are indeed His delight.
Truly, truly, I say unto to you,
Always be faithful to your mate
For you didn't choose Jesus, He chose you.
For Jesus alone, is the one who knows your fate
Without the Word, our Lord, we'd perish
We need Him, for He is whom we cherish.
Always be faithful to your mate
Love and obey, it isn't too late
What God put together, let no man put asunder
For it was the Lord, Himself, who made it a decree.
And, it saddens Him, when we disobey His command
To obey Him, we'll be with Him in Beulahland.
Truly, truly, I say unto to you,
Always be faithful to your mate
For you didn't choose Jesus, He chose you.
For Jesus alone, is the one who knows your fate
Without the Word, our Lord, we'd perish
We need Him, for He is whom we cherish.
Repent, for God has blessed the union of husband and wife
Together they should be until death do they part
Together God gave them to each other to lead a righteous life
Amen, I say, Amen
For it is truly that God be the Glory, now and forever
Again, I say, Amen