Saturday, August 19, 2006

Always be Faithful to Your Mate

Always be Faithful to Your Mate

Written by Patty Hunter and Edited by Bob Hunter
August 2, 2006
One needs permission to copy and use

From Patty Hunter


Always be faithful to your mate
He/she is the one you shouldn't hate
For God put you two together
God is never-ending, He is forever
God never makes mistakes, my friend
For without Him, it would truly be the end


Truly, truly, I say unto to you,
Always be faithful to your mate
For you didn't choose Jesus, He chose you.
For Jesus alone, is the one who knows your fate
Without the Word, our Lord, we'd perish
We need Him, for He is whom we cherish.


To go against what God had ordained
You will feel His wrath and distain
Man and woman were made to be united
And, since the Lord, Himself created our life
He is unyielding, but He is the Light
Because of Him, we are indeed His delight.


Truly, truly, I say unto to you,
Always be faithful to your mate
For you didn't choose Jesus, He chose you.
For Jesus alone, is the one who knows your fate
Without the Word, our Lord, we'd perish
We need Him, for He is whom we cherish.


Always be faithful to your mate
Love and obey, it isn't too late
What God put together, let no man put asunder
For it was the Lord, Himself, who made it a decree.
And, it saddens Him, when we disobey His command
To obey Him, we'll be with Him in Beulahland.


Truly, truly, I say unto to you,
Always be faithful to your mate
For you didn't choose Jesus, He chose you.
For Jesus alone, is the one who knows your fate
Without the Word, our Lord, we'd perish
We need Him, for He is whom we cherish.

Repent, for God has blessed the union of husband and wife
Together they should be until death do they part
Together God gave them to each other to lead a righteous life

Amen, I say, Amen
For it is truly that God be the Glory, now and forever
Again, I say, Amen

Monday, August 14, 2006

Oh, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

Oh, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob


Oh, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
You, Who brought Abraham to Israel
Had Abraham begat the Chosen Ones,
Believers, are your people, your children
Of whom you had made righteous
For without You, we wouldn't be saved


Oh, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Come to us, Oh Lord
We praise Your Holy Name, Most High
For Your Son, Christ Jesus, is the Word
Oh, hear the Name of the Lord


Oh, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
We thank You for Your Glory from above
We worship You, Mighty King, our Lord
You are real in our souls in this World.
We need You, Oh Master from above
We shall continue to give You our Love


Oh, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Come to us, Oh Lord
We praise Your Holy Name, Most High
For Your Son, Christ Jesus, is the Word
Oh, hear the Name of the Lord


You are the "I Am That I Am"!
You are more Wonderful than anything
You are Amazing, Miraculous, our Maker
The One and Only Lord, Almighty Creator
Blessed be Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Through Jesus, our freedom was paid.


Oh, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Come to us, Oh Lord
We praise Your Holy Name, Most High
For Your Son, Christ Jesus, is the Word
Oh, hear the Name of the Lord


God's Blessings flows down to us
He loves us still from age to age
He died on the cross for our Salvation
He died for His Wondrous Creation
Love will lift us up, Oh Lord
Oh, Hallelujah, Abba, God's Word.


Oh, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Come to us, Oh Lord
We praise Your Holy Name, Most High
For Your Son, Christ Jesus, is the Word
Oh, hear the Name of the Lord


Love will lift us up, Oh Lord
We need Your Holy Compassion,
We praise Your Holy Name, Mighty King
Hallelujah, Amen.

Patty Hunter copyrighted (September 30, 2004)
Originally done in 1998, but updated on September 30, the year 2004
Must have special permission to use from Patty Hunter
pdated October 21/2004, by Patty Hunter and edited by Bob Hunter
Updated September 2, 2006 by Patty Hunter and edited by Bob Hunter
Updated September 11, 2006 by Patty Hunter and edited by Bob Hunter

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Oh, Welcome, Welcome, Lord Jesus

Oh, Welcome, Welcome, Lord Jesus


Oh, our Lord Jesus, our Saviour
We adore You, Baby Jesus, to Whom we favour
You are the King of Kings, Oh Mighty Lord
We need You, Hallelujah, You are The Word
When You're near, we have nothing to fear.


Oh, Welcome, Welcome, Lord Jesus,
Emmanuel, on this special Christmas Day.
Our debts You came to pay.
Thank You, Baby Jesus.


To the Lord, we sing praises
Our Emmanuel, Almighty King, Little Jesus
We welcome You. For You, Oh King, are always with us,
Praise Him, Oh Joy and Rapture, it's our hearts, You've
Captured. Hallelujah, without Him, we can't go far.


Oh, Welcome, Welcome, Lord Jesus,
Emmanuel, on this special Christmas Day.
Our debts You came to pay.
Thank You, Baby Jesus.


Oh, people, give homage to Him,
We would be lost without Him. Oh Baby Jesus,
Our King, Oh, Emmanuel, to us You are our everything
You always bring Joy, Love and Cheer
We know that the end times are near.


Oh, Welcome, Welcome, Lord Jesus,
Emmanuel, on this special Christmas Day.
Our debts You came to pay.
Thank You, Baby Jesus.


Patty Hunter - copyrighted October 4, 2004.
Must have permission from Patty to use this lyric.
Originally done on November 11/1998.

O Holy One

O Holy One
(To be spoken, not Sung)

O Holy One, God of Light, Risen One!
the One Who died on the cross for our sins,
Please protect us from all evil.

O Holy One, come into our lives forever,
Change us, O Lord god, Jehovah!
Make us into a new creation. Deliver us!

You, Who shall judge the living and the dead,
Come to us, transform us and show us
We have nothing to dread.

O Holy One, thank you Jesus for being there.
We know all people will be treated justly,
Come Judgment Day.

Hallelujah, thanks be to God
Hallelujah, Praise His Holy Name.

Copyrighted, Patty Hunter, year 2001

It is the Dawn of a New Day

It is the Dawn of a New Day
Written by Patty
Edited by Bob Hunter


It is the Dawn of a New Day
When on the third day
"He has risen"
Our Lord, our God, Jesus
Came back to life for our salvation
He died on the cross for us on Good Friday
He came back to us three days later.


He ascended into Heaven
To be with our Father and the Holy Spirit
Jesus, our Mediator gave us life in the hereafter
Forever we shall be with Him,
And that's all that matters


Forever we shall be with Him
No matter what we had done
He gave His life, God's only Son
For when He died, he said it was done
"It is Finished", He cried and descended into Hell
When He came back to us, we cried, "Hail".
"He has risen", "He has risen," indeed.


He ascended into Heaven
To be with our Father and the Holy Spirit
Jesus, our Mediator gave us life in the hereafter
Forever we shall be with Him,
And that's all that matters


It was Mary Magdalene
Who saw Him first
Because of Him, the veil has been ripped
The living and the dead shall bow unto Him
Oh, It is the Dawn of a New Day
When the Lord gave His life that Blessed Day
"He has risen", "HE HAS RISEN", INDEED.


He ascended into Heaven
To be with our Father and the Holy Spirit
Jesus, our Mediator gave us life in the hereafter
Forever we shall be with Him,
And that's all that matters

It is the Dawn of a New Day
Amen, I say again, Amen
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
We shall forever rejoice, Hallelujah

"We are not Afraid"

"We are not Afraid"
Lyrics by Patty Hunter
July 28, 2005
Edited by Bob Hunter
Need permission to use lyric

The song rang throughout the lands: "We are not Afraid."
The people of Earth came together, strong in voice, hand in hand,
"We are not Afraid." That song will be with them forever.
God will always be with the innocents forever and ever.
We will find the terrorists who masterminded this dastardly deed.
But we should take heed and not let our heads go and lead
Us into doing the same thing the killers had done to them.
For each of the Terrorists shall not go to Heaven.
"We are not Afraid", the World cried. "We are not Afraid."

"We are not Afraid", was the cry of all the people on this sphere
People must get together, help each other overcome this fear.
May God be with His children forever, God wants us to say:
"We are not Afraid". Oh, please Earth, please pray to our
God in Heaven and only He can save the people from such hate
For in Him alone, we put our faith. "We are not Afraid".
For our God in Heaven is the saving Grace and in Him alone
Because of that we will go and have eternal life,
For without our God, we will live in strife, damned forever.

"We are not Afraid", the Word is amongst us, Jesus is His Name.
Don't be afraid of Him, this is not a game. He is here and alive
We have nothing to hide from Jesus, our King of Kings and
Lord of Lords. And because of Him, we shall sing loudly:
"We are not Afraid". For the terrorists are cowardly and low.
We must stop this continuing hate and strife amongst us.
The only way our of this mess is our Lord and Loving Jesus.
May the Earth in all of its Splendor say again:
"We are not Afraid", trust in God and live forever. Amen.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Best Friends until the End and Beyond

Best Friends until the End and Beyond
Written by Patty Hunter and edited by Bob Hunter
July 5, 2006


Best Friends till the End and Beyond.
What is truly a friend?
A friend who is loyal, truthful and kind,
Is someone who gives unconditional love
Given soulfully by the Lord, from Heaven above
A friend lasts forever, here and in Heaven.
May Jesus, the first friend we ever had,
Our true friend, to which I am heart fully glad,
Continue to bless you and me down here
And when we finally and permanently go home up there.


Best Friends till the End and Beyond
May we never say goodbye
Only say we will meet again, by and by
The Good Lord, Himself, sent me you.
And, He also made me your friend, too.


Best Friends till the End and Beyond
Loving each other is the main reason
A true friendship doesn't just last for one season
Trusting is one of the many ways for us to survive
For without friendship, humankind wouldn't stay alive
This is how and the only way a friendship can last
Think of the future and don't dwell on the past
Think of the many years a friend can be by your side.
A true friendship wouldn't make us feel ashamed,
And make us be cowards by running and hiding.


Best Friends till the End and Beyond
May we never say goodbye
Only say we will meet again, by and by
The Good Lord, Himself, sent me you.
And, He also made me your friend, too.


Oh, my friends from long ago, and even now
In so many words, may friendships never end
And stop being one without love and devotion
A friend's love for one another, is vast like the ocean.
The one true friend, the Word, Jesus, our Lord
Came down to earth to become man,
In order to be a friend, servant and Saviour
He saved us from Satan's snare and gave up His life
In order to make us His people and the church, His wife.
And for that, Jesus is our Best Friend till the end and beyond.


Best Friends till the End and Beyond
May we never say goodbye
Only say we will meet again, by and by
The Good Lord, Himself, sent me you.
And, He also made me your friend, too.


Because of Jesus who is 100 percent God
And 100 percent Man, He is with us now and forever.
May He bless us and keep us safely in the Palms of His Hands.
Because of Him, we can be friends without fear and dismay
For because of Him, we are saved, we have salvation
Finally, we have a Saviour to protect us and thus I pray
That all of the people out there shall see the day
When the Good Lord and Master, Himself appears
May we all bow and rejoice the coming of the King,
"For the kingdom of the Lord God, is at hand," I sing.


Best Friends till the End and Beyond
May we never say goodbye
Only say we will meet again, by and by
The Good Lord, Himself, sent me you.
And, He also made me your friend, too.

When one is being thankful, Be thankful to the Lord

When one is being thankful,
Be thankful to the Lord

Written by Patty Hunter and edited by Bob Hunter
August 2, 2006
One must have permission to use these lyrics
From Patty Hunter


When one is being thankful, be thankful to the Lord
For God is now and forever truly the Word
My Lord and Master, I pledge my allegiance to you
For you alone are the One and Only, that is True
Oh, to God be the glory, the Most High Priest
It is You, Oh Christ, that has slain the beast


Oh, Lord of Hosts, I pledge myself to spread Your Word
Oh, our Jesus, you are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
I say, when one is being thankful, be thankful to the Lord
Oh, Hallelujah, may God be praised, for you are truly the wondrous Word


One must give up one’s self when following the Lord
To be with Christ, one must sacrifice oneself to Him
And, not follow the world’s ways and its whims
One must always put ones attention unto Him
And, to only Him, shall we sing this praising hymn
When one is being thankful, be thankful to the Lord


Oh, Lord of Hosts, I pledge myself to spread Your Word
Oh, our Jesus, you are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
I say, when one is being thankful, be thankful to the Lord
Oh, Hallelujah, may God be praised, for you are truly the wondrous Word


Be thankful to the Lord, for He is good,
As always, He guides us as He faithfully would
For He alone is the Lord Most High,
Without Him, the world would indeed give a heavy sigh
We cannot live on bread alone,
For He is definitely the Saviour sitting on the eternal throne.


Oh, Lord of Hosts, I pledge myself to spread Your Word
Oh, our Jesus, you are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
I say, when one is being thankful, be thankful to the Lord
Oh, Hallelujah, may God be praised, for you are truly the wondrous Word


When one is thankful, be thankful to the Lord
Oh, God of Ages Past, you truly have the sword
In Your mighty Hands, I commend my spirit,
My life and my future, is in Your hands, Oh God
Your voice, Mighty King, I rightfully and faithfully hear it.
I am glad for when I fall, You indeed are always near.


Oh, Lord of Hosts, I pledge myself to spread Your Word
Oh, our Jesus, you are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
I say, when one is being thankful, be thankful to the Lord
Oh, Hallelujah, may God be praised, for you are truly the wondrous Word

Amen, I say, Amen
To Christ be the Glory and Honour
May we praise His Holy Name
For He is The Alpha and The Omega
The Mighty Prince of Peace
To Him, I am eternal thankful and shall give Him much praise
To Him alone, I bow down with glee, without Him, we wouldn’t be